Friday, February 22, 2008

Green Edge Plan

The City of Peoria could create a public “Green Edge” along the river from Water Street to War Memorial and Grand View Drive. Over time, the existing river edge can be converted to parks, a riverfront drive, and new residential development.

Currently this area is primarily industrial with two marinas and park land. This plan proposes that the entire rivers edge become a linear park with a scenic drive connecting from Water Street north underneath War Memorial to connect to Grand View Drive, with new homes, additional public park land, beautification of the area, and enhancement to the natural ecosystem.

Staff have proposed to the property owners that they donate the flood way between the flood way line and the Illinois River. This land has little value to the owners, since it cannot be built on, and is a liability. By donating the land the owners get a tax write off and good public relations. The Park District would own this land. Land owners are also encouraged to donate an additional 50 feet, which would be the right of way for a new road.

The property owners would keep the adjacent land, which could be developed as mixed use development. The development of this property would pay for the road. This plan will likely take many years to implement, but there is interest among some of the property owners. There is also some opposition.

The implementation of this plan is completely voluntary - if the property owner does not like the plan, they do not have to implement it. That is why it will probably take many years to implement. Subsequent owners may choose to follow this plan.

The City can of course implement the first phase of this plan, since it owns the southern portion of the property between the Riverplex and Spring Street. A more detailed concept plan has been developed for that property.

More info at the link below:

Cross Section

The cross section above shows the proposed redevelopment of the Green Edge. The current land use north of Abbington is vacant industrial zoned land along the Illinois River edge all the way north to War Memorial Drive. The proposed plan would convert this vacant industrial property to the Green Edge, publicly owned park land along the River. A new road would be extended west of this Green Edge, with a line of homes on the west side of the road.